Thursday, July 7, 2011


The joys of being a mother are never without words because most of us out there are not so fortunate. I call myself Blessed for I have two of my own that are my own. They are six and two. My son is six and so smart and wants to be a race car driver and marine biologist when he grows up. Now my daughter she is two and a world of fun. She has this smile that lights up the room. Like I said I'm blessed to have them. They are so beautiful and make me smile all the time and I would not want it any other way. When you are a parent it is the biggest Blessing that God can give you and if you have not had this chance yet ask him for the chance and he will give it to you just believe that he will do and trust in him and all will happen. God Bless You All. 

1 comment:

  1. My son is 3 and loves trains. He is our only child and I thank God for him everyday. He loves trains and cars. So amazing watching him grow up and training him in the ways of the Lord.
